- “Gaia”
6’ tall woman with child, drenched in black crude,chained to a gas can wearing a crown of hexane - photographed at Goat Rock - "Fields of Gold" Sixteen foot high wall sculpture with alchemical symbols in gold & obscured symbols & words in black on black. Military gas cans, paint, bullets, spikes, chains.
- "Cosmos Appearing 27" 58"x43" - Pigment ink on heavy
textured watercolor paper - ‘Cosmos Appearing 28’
43”x 65” Pigment ink on heavy
textured watercolor paper - "Cosmos Appearing 8" - Pigment ink on heavy
textured watercolor paper - "Cosmos Appearing 31" 43"x60" - Pigment ink on heavy
textured watercolor paper - ‘Cross Fire’
48”x 48” Military gas can, bullet holes, metal leaf,
patinas, dyes, vintage tools
(used in building of Oakland Bay Bridge) - ‘Cosmos Appearing 43’
43”x 65” Pigment ink on heavy
textured watercolor paper - ‘Cosmos Appearing 41’
43”x 65” Pigment ink on heavy
textured watercolor paper - ‘Cosmos Appearing 21’
43”x 65” Pigment ink on heavy
textured watercolor paper - ‘Locked Out’
60x 60” Solar panels, militaty gas can,
chain, lock, iron grate, bullets, paint - ‘Cosmos Appearing 17’
43”x 70” Pigment ink on heavy
textured watercolor paper - ‘Cosmos Appearing 11’
43”x 67” Pigment ink on heavy
textured watercolor paper - ‘Cosmos Appearing 14’
43”x 69” Pigment ink on heavy
textured watercolor paper - ‘Cosmos Appearing 4’
43”x 67” Pigment ink on heavy
textured watercolor paper - ‘ZRO Point’
48”x 48” Wood and paint - 'Cosmos Appearing 26'
43"x 60" Pigment ink on heavy textured watercolor paper - “Gaia”
6’ tall woman with child, drenched in black crude,chained to a gas can wearing a crown of hexane - 'Gas can quad' 40"x 30" Pigment ink on heavy
textured watercolor paper